Wumpus World Help

Your Goal: Retrieve the gold located somewhere in a treacherous cave.

The following example Wumpus World illustrates all the cave's dangers

As you direct your assistant throughout the cave, he may encounter the wumpus, a hungry beast who will eat anyone who enters his chamber or he may fall into a bottomless pit to his death. However, your assistant does not enter these dangerous chambers of the cave unaware; when he passes next to a pit he will feel a breeze and when he passes next to the wumpus he will smell a stench. This does not mean you can always avoid these dangers. As the board above shows at square 2,2 you can not tell which of two squares leads to a pit and which is safe.

You know the following about the cave: You score points as follows: You lose points: Some additional hints:

Okay, I'm ready to play

This game is based on the description of the Wumpus World game as presented in Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (153-155).

Created by Aaron Pulliam
Last updated: May 31, 1996