#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- """DNS storage and IDS Purpose: DNS filters and other IDS-related stuff Requires: IPy """ __copyright__ = """Copyright (C) 2008 Dinko Korunic This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ __version__ = '$Id: sniff_filters.py,v 690592d7bf9c 2009/01/07 18:51:43 kreator $' import socket import re import logging from IPy import IP from sniff_dnscache import DNScache APPNAME = 'sniff_filters' KNOWNTLDS = None RFC1918 = None QNAME_RE = None DNSCACHE = None TYPE_OBSOLETE = ['MF', 'MD'] TYPE_EXPERIMENTAL = ['MB', 'MG', 'MR', 'NULL', 'MINFO'] TYPE_POSSIBLE_MS06041 = ['TXT', 'HINFO', 'X25', 'ISDN'] KNOWNTLD_FILE = 'known_tlds.txt' # setup logging system first log = logging.getLogger(APPNAME) # === HELPER FUNCTIONS === # Non-interactive def _is_query(pkt): """Check if DNS packet is QUERY (qr=0L). Returns bool.""" return pkt['DNS']['qr'] == '0L' def _is_answer(pkt): """Check if DNS packet is ANSWER (qr=1L). Returns bool.""" return not _is_query(pkt) def _is_query_type(pkt, qtype): """Check if DNS packet is query and if at least one of question records is specific query type. Returns bool. """ if _is_answer(pkt): return False for i in _get_question(pkt): if i['qtype'] == qtype: return True return False def _is_class(pkt, qrclass): """Check if and if at least one of question records or answer records (depending if packet is query or answer) is in some CLASS. Returns bool. """ # check if query is consists of qclass in CLASS if _is_query(pkt): for i in _get_question(pkt): if i['qclass'] == qrclass: return True # check if answer consists of rclass in CLASS else: for i in _get_answer(pkt): if i['rclass'] == qrclass: return True return False def _get_id(pkt): """Get TXN ID from DNS packet. Returns string representing numeric ID. """ return pkt['DNS']['id'] def _get_opcode(pkt): """Get OPCODE from DNS packet. Returns string (usually 'QUERY', 'IQUERY' or 'STATUS'). """ return pkt['DNS']['opcode'] def _get_rcode(pkt): """Get RCODE from DNS packet. Returns string ('format-error', 'server-failure', 'name-error', 'not-implemented' or 'refused'). """ return pkt['DNS']['rcode'] def _get_section(pkt, section): """Generic function to get RRs from any requested DNS section. Section can be 'qd' (question), 'an' (answer), 'ns' (authority) or 'ar' (additional). Returns list. """ dnspkt = pkt['DNS'] # oops, no such section -- return empty list instead if section not in dnspkt: return [] # verify are there any QRs/RRs in requested section dnspktsec = dnspkt[section] if ('DNS Question Record' not in dnspktsec) and \ ('DNS Resource Record' not in dnspktsec): return [] if section == 'qd': # DNS QR rrs = dnspktsec['DNS Question Record'] else: # DNS RR rrs = dnspktsec['DNS Resource Record'] # several answers... if isinstance(rrs, list): return rrs # or not return [rrs] def _get_question(pkt): """Get QUESTION section from DNS packet. Returns list.""" return _get_section(pkt, 'qd') def _get_answer(pkt): """Get ANSWER section from DNS packet. Returns list.""" return _get_section(pkt, 'an') def _get_authority(pkt): """Get AUTHORITY section from DNS packet. Returns list.""" return _get_section(pkt, 'ns') def _get_additional(pkt): """Get ADDITIONAL section from DNS packet. Returns list.""" return _get_section(pkt, 'ar') def _get_rrnames(pkt): """Get RRNAMEs from DNS packet. Returns list.""" rrlist = [i['rrname'] for i in _get_answers(pkt)] rrlist2 = [i['rrname'] for i in _get_additional(pkt)] rrlist.extend(rrlist2) return rrlist def _get_rrnames_type(pkt, rtype): """Get RRNAMEs for specific TYPE from DNS packet. Returns list.""" rrlist = [i['rrname'] for i in _get_answers(pkt) if i['type'] == rtype] rrlist2 = [i['rrname'] for i in _get_additional(pkt) if i['type'] == rtype] rrlist.extend(rrlist2) return rrlist def _get_qnames(pkt): """Get QNAMEs from DNS packet. Returns list.""" return [i['qname'] for i in _get_question(pkt)] def _get_qnames_type(pkt, qtype): """Get QNAMEs for specific QTYPE from DNS packet. Returns list.""" return [i['qname'] for i in _get_question(pkt) if i['qtype'] == qtype] def _get_types(pkt): """Get QTYPEs or TYPEs from DNS packet. Returns list.""" tlist = [i['qtype'] for i in _get_question(pkt)] tlist2 = [i['type'] for i in _get_answer(pkt)] tlist3 = [i['type'] for i in _get_additional(pkt)] tlist.extend(tlist2) tlist.extend(tlist3) return tlist def _get_srcaddr(pkt): """Get source IPaddr from DNS packet. Returns string.""" return pkt['IP']['src'] def _get_dstaddr(pkt): """Get destination IPaddr from DNS packet. Returns string.""" return pkt['IP']['dst'] def _get_ips_from_ptr(pkt): """Get reverse IPv4 addresses from given PTR request. Returns list.""" revips = [] for qname in _get_qnames(pkt): revip = qname.rstrip('.').replace('.in-addr.arpa', '').split('.') revip.reverse() revip = '.'.join(revip) revips.append(revip) return revips def _qname_to_tld(qname): """Extract TLD from DNS packet's QNAME""" if qname.count('.') > 1: qnames = qname.split('.') qnames.reverse() for x in qnames: if x: return x.lower() if not qname: return '.' return qname.lower() # === VARIOUS DNS FILTER FUNCTIONS === # return True if triggered (detected an issue) # return False is all OK def filter_unknown_tld(pkt): """Warn if unknown TLDs in QNAME""" # TLD list from: http://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/ if _is_answer(pkt) or not _is_class(pkt, 'IN'): return False global KNOWNTLDS if KNOWNTLDS is None: KNOWNTLDS = {} try: f = file(KNOWNTLD_FILE, 'r') except IOError: log.error('Could not open %s' % KNOWNTLD_FILE) return False for line in f: KNOWNTLDS[line.strip()] = 1 f.close() for qname in _get_qnames(pkt): tld = _qname_to_tld(qname) if tld not in KNOWNTLDS: log.critical('Unknown TLD %s in request: %s' % (tld, pkt)) return True return False def filter_afora(pkt): """Warn if A query is for IP address""" # IN A query only if not _is_query_type(pkt, 'A') or not _is_class(pkt, 'IN'): return False for qname in _get_qnames(pkt): qname = qname.rstrip('.') try: socket.inet_aton(qname) log.critical('A query %s for IP in qname: %s' % (qname, pkt)) return True except (socket.error, TypeError): pass return False def filter_rfc1918(pkt): """Warn if PTR query for RFC1918 address""" # IN PTR query only if not _is_query_type(pkt, 'PTR') or not _is_class(pkt, 'IN'): return False global RFC1918 if RFC1918 is None: RFC1918 = [IP(''), IP(''), IP('')] for ip in _get_ips_from_ptr(pkt): try: for x in RFC1918: if ip in x: log.critical('RFC1918 PTR request for %s: %s' % (ip, pkt)) return True except ValueError: pass return False def filter_invalid_qname(pkt): """Check if QNAME is in order""" failed = False global QNAME_RE if QNAME_RE is None: # allowed a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ * . / @ qname_srcre = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\*\./@]*$' QNAME_RE = re.compile(qname_srcre) for qname in _get_qnames(pkt): if not QNAME_RE.match(qname): log.critical('Invalid qname %s in request: %s' % (qname, pkt)) failed = True return failed def filter_rr_types(pkt): """Check if query/response contains obsolete/experimental records as per RFC 1035 """ failed = False for i in _get_types(pkt): if i in TYPE_OBSOLETE: log.critical('Obsolete RR type %s: %s' % (i, pkt)) failed = True elif i in TYPE_EXPERIMENTAL: log.critical('Experimental RR type %s: %s' % (i, pkt)) failed = True return failed def filter_ms06041(pkt): """Check if query/response contains possible buffer overflow according to MS06-041/KB920683 """ names = [] for i in TYPE_POSSIBLE_MS06041: names.extend(_get_qnames_type(pkt, i)) rcount = len(names) if rcount: sumlen = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, map(len, names)) else: sumlen = 0 if (rcount * 4) + (sumlen * 2) + 4 > 0xFFFF: log.critical('Attempted MS06-041 overflow: %s' % pkt) return True return False def filter_unknown_opcode(pkt): """Check if send opcode is unknown""" if _get_opcode(pkt) not in ['QUERY', 'IQUERY', 'STATUS']: log.critical('Query contains unknown code: %s' % pkt) return True return False def filter_format_error(pkt): """Check if received packet contains rcode format error""" if _get_rcode(pkt) == 'format-error': log.critical('Query caused format error: %s' % pkt) return True return False ## implement fast-flux and anti-poison here? def filter_cache_checks(pkt): """Various security checks that need simple DNS caching""" failed = False global DNSCACHE if DNSCACHE is None: DNSCACHE = DNScache() dnsid = _get_id(pkt) if _is_query(pkt): # queries are cached and indexed by TXN ID and IP dst addr dstaddr = _get_dstaddr(pkt) DNSCACHE[(dnsid, dstaddr)] = pkt else: # get old query from query cache srcaddr = _get_srcaddr(pkt) key = (dnsid, srcaddr) if key in DNSCACHE: # yes, we have such query cached oldpkt = DNSCACHE[key] oldquestions = _get_question(oldpkt) questions = _get_question(pkt) # check for multiple answers for single ID if 'checked' not in oldpkt: oldpkt['checked'] = 1 else: oldpkt['checked'] += 1 if oldpkt['checked'] > 3: log.critical('3+ answers with same ID %s \ received from %s. Attempted poisoning?' % (dnsid, srcaddr)) failed = True # check if question in answer matches original question sent if oldquestions != questions: log.critical('Question in answer does not \ match original question: %s' % pkt) failed = True else: # oops, no such query -- timeouted or never sent log.critical('Received answer for unknown/old query: %s' % pkt) failed = True return failed