#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Dinko Korunic 'kreator', 2005. # parallel_ping.py # script for parallelized ping, not necessarily internal """This program is a paralellized ping implementation. It can do standard ICMP or TCP-style ping to a specified port, using one or more IPs as targets. It can ping hosts given from a command line or in a file. Usage: program_name [-h|--help] [[-i|--icmp] | [-t|--tcp port]] [-f|--file filename] [-z|--stamp] target1 [target2] [...] Example 1: python parallel_ping.py www.google.com ('', 1) ('www.google.com', 1) Example 2: python parallel_ping.py -t 80 -z www.google.com nowhere.wtfwtfx.com ('', 1, 1141163901) ('www.google.com', 1, 1141163901) ('nowhere.wtfwtfx.com', 0, 1141163901) """ __copyright__ = """Copyright (C) 2005 Dinko Korunic, InfoMAR d.o.o. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ __version__ = '$Id: parallel_ping.py 202 2006-02-28 22:52:11Z kreator $' import sys, getopt, os, re, socket, threading, time class ping: """Simple ping implementation with TCP and ICMP style ping routines""" def __init__(self, cmd = None, cmdout = None, timeout = 1, \ timestamp = False): """Initialise local vars, command to be used, etc.""" # if no cmd/cmdout is specified, use fping and it standard output if cmd is None: cmd = 'fping -t %s' % (timeout * 1000) if cmdout is None: cmdout = r'^.* is alive' # set local vars self.cmd = cmd self.cmdout = cmdout self.timeout = timeout self.timestamp = timestamp def icmp_ping(self, host, port): """ICMP style ping implementation >>> a = ping() >>> a.icmp_ping('', None) ('', 1) >>> a = ping() >>> a.icmp_ping('xx127.0.0.1', None) ('xx127.0.0.1', 0) """ # compile the output parser, initialise the result to false restats = re.compile(self.cmdout) result = 0 # fork and exec the cmd pipeout, pipe = os.popen4('%s %s' % (self.cmd, host)) try: # grep the output for the positive ping answer - break # immediately if found for line in pipe: statsmatch = restats.match(line) if statsmatch: result = 1 break finally: # close both ends of the pipe pipe.close() pipeout.close() try: # collect the running process pid, sts = os.wait() except OSError: pass # get current time ts = int(time.time()) # return timestamps or not, depending on flags if self.timestamp: return (host, result, ts) else: return (host, result) def tcp_ping(self, host, port): """TCP style ping implementation >>> a = ping() >>> a.tcp_ping('', 80) ('', 1) >>> a = ping() >>> a.tcp_ping('xx127.0.0.1', 80) ('xx127.0.0.1', 0) """ # set the result to false result = 0 try: # allocate IPv4 socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # set the timeout sock.settimeout(self.timeout); # connect sock.connect((host, port)) result = 1 except socket.error: pass sock.close() # get current time ts = int(time.time()) if self.timestamp: return (host, result, ts) else: return (host, result) def ping(self, host, ptype = 'icmp', port = None): """Ping interface with ICMP as default""" # get the dispatcher dispatchername = '%s_ping' % ptype # call proper dispatcher at all times dispatcher = getattr(self, dispatchername, self.icmp_ping) return dispatcher(host, port) class pingthread(threading.Thread): """Threading ping class for parallelized scan""" def __init__(self, func, arg, ptype, port): """Initialise the ping thread object""" self.func = func self.arg = arg self.ptype = ptype self.port = port self.result = '' threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): """Self-run thread function""" self.result = self.func(self.arg, self.ptype, self.port) def usage(): """Define the usage for this program""" usage = """Usage: %s [-h|--help] [[-i|--icmp] | [-t|--tcp port]] [-f|--file filename] [-z|--stamp] target1 [target2] [...] Summary: This program is a paralellized ping implementation. It can do standard ICMP or TCP-style ping to a specified port, using one or more IPs as targets. It can ping hosts given from a command line or in a file.""" print usage % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) def _test(): """Self testing...""" import doctest, parallel_ping return doctest.testmod(parallel_ping) def main(argv): """Main function, mainly to parse the arguments >>> main(['-t', 80, '', 'xx127.0.0.1']) ('', 1) ('xx127.0.0.1', 0) >>> main(['', 'xx127.0.0.1']) ('', 1) ('xx127.0.0.1', 0) """ try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, 'hit:f:z', \ ['help', 'icmp', 'tcp=', 'file=', 'stamp']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() # set the default values ptype = 'icmp' port = None needarg = 1 tstamp = False filename = None pinglist = [] # ugly argument parse for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ['-i', '--icmp', '-t', '--tcp']: params = {'-i': 'icmp', '-t': 'tcp', \ '--tcp': 'tcp', '--icmp': 'icmp'} ptype = params[opt] try: port = int(optarg) except ValueError: pass elif opt in ('-f', '--file'): filename = optarg needarg = 0 elif opt in ('-z', '--stamp'): tstamp = True else: usage() # instantiate the generic ping object pingobj = ping(timeout = 2, timestamp = tstamp) # sanity check: need another arguments and there is none if (needarg == 1) and (len(args) < 1): usage() # do some pinging for hosts in arguments for arg in args: current = pingthread(pingobj.ping, arg, ptype, port) pinglist.append(current) current.start() # and for hosts in file argument, if there are some if filename: try: ftargets = file(filename, 'r') except IOError: usage() for line in ftargets: current = pingthread(pingobj.ping, line[:-1], ptype, port) pinglist.append(current) current.start() ftargets.close() # wait for all the threads to finish and display results for current in pinglist: current.join() print current.result if __name__ == '__main__': # selftest #_test() # start the program... sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))